Muddy Golden rose

Hello, my pretties 

First a little reminder: don't forget to enter my Sigma giveaway, where Sigma will get one lucky winner a brand new Flat top kabuki F80 brush 

Now, onto the nail polish.

This one is one thing I've never though I'll ever wear: a mud colored nail polish.
I've always found them to be very ugly and meaningless.
I mean, why color your nails in something plain and boring, when there are so many nail polishes in the world that need love.
And then I got a job and thought I need to fit in with all of mine non-nail-polish-wearing colleagues, so I bought this one.
Meet Golden rose Sweet color no.68 (what an ingenious name :D )

All the photos were taken under a daylight bulb.
It was really hard to take a decent picture, so the color is a bit off. It should have a bit more brown in it.
Also, I polished my nails in the evening and when I woke up in the morning I noticed it got wrinkled a bit, but I didn't want to reapply it so please pretend everything is ok :D

What do you think? I don't know how I feel about it. I feel it's a bit blah 
Whenever I saw my nails, all I could think of was : This is sooooo not me.

Good thing is I don't care about adjusting my nail color to my workplace ( right now I'm wearing China Glaze Emerald Sparkle   )

Another thing I would like you to do is please answer this poll.
I noticed that a lot of my (active) readers are Croatian/ex-Yu so I started considering writing in English and Croatian. What do you think? Is it necessary? I like writing in English  because I think everyone understands it, and it's more aesthetically pleasing having a coherent blog post, at least for me.

So what do you think? Leave it as it is, or write in English and Croatian?

Thank you so much for answering this poll and for reading this post 

Lots of love,

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  1. meni se lak sviđa, padam na blatnjave boje ;-D

  2. Ove Golden Rouzove još nisam vidjela, a vidjela sam ih stvarno svakakvih!
    Super ti stoji ova boja, jel' mi se čini ili malo ima ljubičastog tona u sebi?

    Što se tiče jezika, ni ne primijetim da je na engleskom, ali možda će nekima biti draže ima i hrvatski prevod. Ja se lično u takvim tekstovima uvijek pogubim, pa čitam oboje da nešto ne bih propustila (control freak) hahahaha

  3. Lijep mi je ovaj lak, sad si čak razmišljam kako nemam ni jedan sličan u kolekciji i kako bi trabalo nešto poduzeti po tom pitanju. :)

    Osobno nemam ništa protiv pisanja isključivo na engleskom, ali smatram kako bi bilo dobro da pišeš i na hrvatskom jer ćeš na taj način dobiti još više čitatelja, znam kako ima dosta ljudi kojima se neda čitati na engleskom, pa samo gledaju sličice. :)

  4. Meni je lak tak tak, više bi mi se sviđao da je skroz sivi, a ne ovako nekak baš blatnjav. :D Ali nije ni tako loš, možda ga ne bih kupila, al nosila bih ga da ga dobijem. :D

    Slažem se da bi možda sa pisanjem na hrvatskom dobila više čitateljima, a meni osobno ne smeta čitati na eng. :)

  5. hvala na komentarima :)

    odlucila sam pisat na oba jezika, sad samo moram nac dobar template, ili editirat ovaj :)


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So don't be a dick and steal them.
If you do, I hope a wrath of thousands burning demon suns rain upon you.
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