Hello :)

Večeras ću bit kratka jer moram ići u krevet (glupi ponedjeljak ), ali dok je još uvijek vikend, želim s vama podijeliti jedan look koji sam radila ovog tjedna :)
Riječ je o mom viđenju Illamasquine Sophie-I tehnike :)
O samoj tehnici vam neću puno pisat (spava mi se :D ), ali zato svratite do Blankinog bloga, variolavera.com, i njenog prekrasnog look-a :)
Dok ste tamo ne zaboravite pogledati swatcheve skoro cijelog Illamasquinog asortimana, ja barem jednom dnevno pođem do njenog bloga i slinim :D

Tonight I'm going to be brief because I have to go to bed (stupid Monday ), but as it's still the weekend, I want to share with you a look that I did this past week :)
It's my rendition of Illamasqua's Sophie-I technique :)
I won't describe the technique (I'm sooo sleepy :D ), but feel free to stop by Blanka's blog, variolavera.com and her beautiful look :)
While you're there, don't forget to check out the swatches of almost entire Illamasqua stock, I go there at least once a day to drool :D

For this look I used:

  • Art Deco eyeshadow base
  • Sugarpill Love+ eyeshadow
  • Sugarpill Poison Plum eyeshadow
  • essence I love extreme mascara
  • essence Mystic lemon eseshadow
  • essence Crazy good times Candyction fake lashes + DUO eyelash glue
  • Catrice Petrol keeps me running (eyebrows)
  • Illamasqua Box (lipstick)

Kako vam se sviđa? :)
Ruž mi je totalni promašaj na ovaj look, ali ga jedno stavno toliko obožavam da sam ga i tu nalijepila :D

What do you think? :)
This ipstick is a total miss for this look, but I adore it so I couldn't help myself :D

Good night (or good morning :D ),

Hello, girls :)

Što mi radite? Ja gledam The Voice i slinim za Adam Levineom :D
I usput pisem ovu recenziju koja jako kasni jer nikako da sjednem i uhvatim se laptopa :)

What are you doing tonight? I'm watching The Voice and drooling for Adam Levine :D
And finally writing this review, which is soooo long overdue :)

Kad je bio Black Friday, Geek Chic Cosmetics je nudio 30% popusta na sve, a nakon sto sam ih kontaktirali, rekli su mi da šalju i u Hrvatsku, whoho :D uz sve to, imaju i besplatnu poštarinu za narudžbe preko 50$ :)

At the time of Black Friday, Geek Chic Cosmetics offered 30% off everything, and after I contacted them, they told me they are starting to ship to Croatia, whoho :D And they are offering free shipping on all orders over 50$ :)

Da ne duljim, tu su slikice :)
The long story short, here be photos :)

Le package and beautiful purple baggies :)

Just look at these beauties *.*

Jedina loša stvar je što se ove poklopci na ovim teglicama tijekom putovanja malo otpuste pa dodje do malo ispadanja sjenila. Dobra stvar je što to u principu i nije toliko važno jer su dobri Geek Chic Cosmetics ljudi doskočili problemu i vakumirali teglice u plastiku :)

The only sort of bad thing is that the lids on these jars get a bit loose during travel, so they tend to fall out. But, not to worry, the good people over at Geek Chic Cosmetics sealed the jars with plastic, yaay :)

Not as messy as it seems :)

Boje neću posebno opisivat jer se sve vidi na slikama, a i imate krasne opise na GCC stranici :)
Ono što moram napomenut je da su GCC stvarno poseban brand indie kozmetike, jer sve temelje na geek kulturi , što je totalno u mom stilu :) 
Obratite pažnju na cijelu filozofiju i ljubav koju Chantel i Deborah, uz Philovu pomoć, ulažu u Geek Chic Cosmetics. Iza svakog proizvoda stoji detaljno objašnjenje o inspiraciji za njega, a također i detaljan opis nijanse, zajedno uz poprilično realan swatch :)

I won't describe the colors in detail because you can see them with your own eyes and you have great description over at GCC page :)
One thing I have to emphasize is that GCC is a really special kind of indie cosmetics, because they are basing their brand on geek culture, which is totally me :) 
Please, pay special attention to the whole philosophy and love that Chantel and Deborah, with Phil's help are investing to Geek Chic Cosmetics. Behind every product there is a detailed explanation of their inspiration, and detailed description of colors and sparkle, together with a really good and real swatch :)

Prva kolekcija koju ću vam pokazati je inspirirana s nažalost prerano ukinutom Joss Whedonovom savrsenošću zvanom Firefly :)
Firefly kolekcija se zove  "Big Damn Heroes" . "Ljubav" nije dovoljno dobra riječ koja bi opisala koliko obožavam Firefly, tako da sam naravno prvo ugrabila ovu kolekciju :)

First on the menu is inspired by unfortunately prematurely cancelled Joss Whedon awesomeness that is Firefly :) 
Firefly collection is called "Big Damn Heroes". "Love" doesn't convey my feelings for Firefly, so naturally I had to have this collection :)

Firefly beauties :) (CLICK)

Slijedeća kolekcija koju sam zgrabila je inspirirana serijom Doctor Who, koju također obožavam (Davida Tennanta pogotovo ;) )
Samo pogledajte ove nijanse iz Timey Wimey kolekcije, prekrasne su :) Dosta sjenila ima posebni kick u obliku shimmera koji dolazi do izražaja tek na swatchu.

The second collection I snatched is nspired by Doctor Who, which I also love (David Tennant in particular ;) )
Just look at these shades of the Timey Wimey collection , they are beautiful:) A lot of these eyeshadows have that special kick in form of shimmer that you can see only swatched.

Timelord love :) (CLICK)

Za kraj vam želim pokazati neka random sjenila koja su mi se svidjela i koje sam odabrala, s tim da sam Companion Cube sample dobila uz narudžbu :)

For the end I have some random eyeshadows that I loved and picked up, and Companion Cube was a sample i got with the order :) Here you can see Continuum, Stay Indoors, Blood Bond, Blood Wine, Chosen One and Companion Cube :)

Epicness (CLICK)

Kako vam se sviđaju Geek Chic Cosmetics? 
Na kraju moram reći kako imaju jako dobar odnos sa kupcima i uvijek odgovaraju na pitanja na svojoj facebook stranici :)
Znam da moje recenzije i nisu najbolje, ali jako se trudim :)

Do you like Geek Chic Cosmetics?
At the end I have to say that GCC have really great relationship with their customers over their facebook page :)
That's it :) I know I'm not a great reviewer, but I try my best ;)

Hvala na čitanju
Thank you for reading


Sniježni pozdrav svima :D

Kako podnosite ove hladnoće? Meni je krasno što je snijeg, ali nadam se da neće potrajat :D
U ovom postu vam donosim swatcheve i look mog rođendanskog poklona od kolega s posla (što sam sama naručila :D )

A very snowy hello to everyone :D

How are you managing this cold weather? I love the snow, but I hope it won't last much longer:D

In this post you'll see swatches and look made with my birthday gift my work colleagues bought me (after I told them what I'd like to get :D )

Illamasqua nije samo šminka, Illamasqua je cijela filozofija, način života :)
Znam da zvučim potpuno indoktrinirano i pomalo kao air-head koji nasjeda na reklame, ali bi rado otišla živjeti u  Illamasqua svijet :)
Jako mi se sviđa poptuna posvećenost detaljima, profesionalnost, odnos prema kupcima i ogromna paleta jako kvalitetnih proizvoda.
Činjenica je da su malo skuplji i rijetko tko će si moći priuštiti hoardanje Illamasque, ali svojom kvalitetom opravdavaju svaku kunu. Mislim da su, barem po lakovima, cijenovno blizu Chanela. Ako uzmemo u obzir da su Chanel lakovi  tesko sporosušeće smeće (imam traume :D ), dati oko 120kn za Illamasqua lak i nije toliko puno :)
Ostale marke prodavaju osjećaj luksuza i više vrijednosti. Govore vam da ćete s baš tim ružem, maskarom i puderom biti boginje seksa koje će muškarci željeti, a ostale žene mrziti. Illamasqua ne igra na tu kartu, ne želi vas napraviti drukčijima, kako biste se svidjeli drugima. Illamasqua želi izvući iz vas vaš alter ego, dati vam materijal da  budete dovoljno hrabri tako da možete biti potpuno svoji :)

Illamasqua is not just a make-up brand, Illamasqua is an entire philosophy, a way of living :)
I know i must sound completely indoctrinated, a bit like an air-head who believes commercials, but I would gladly leave everyday life and go to Illamasqua world :)
I love the complete attention to details, professionalism, customer care and huge line of high-quality products.
The fact is they are a bit on the expensive side and not everyone can afford to hoard Illamasqua, but their quality justifies every penny spent. I think they are, as for Croatia (considering nail polish), in the Chanel price range. if we take into account that Chanel nail polishes are a huge slow-drying piece of crap (yes, I hold a grudge against Chanel nail polish :D ), paying around 120 hrk for an Illamasqua nail polish isn't that much :)
Other make-up brands are selling that feeling of luxury and higher value. They are telling you that if you buy that exact lipstick, mascara and foundation, you will become the goddesses of sex that men will want and other women will hate. Illamasqua doesn't take advantage of that, it's not trying to make you different so the other people would like you. Illamasqua wants to show off your own alter ego, to give you means to be brave enough to be completely yourself :)

Sad kad sam natrkeljala svega i svačega (što vjerovatno niste ni pročitali, ne krivim vas :D ) idemo na slikice :)

Now after this mish-mash of a text (which probably you didn't read, probably for the best :D ) let's see some pictures :)

Ovo je vrećica u kojoj sam dobila svoje prekrasnoće. Obična crna papirnata vrećica sa logo-om i adresom...dok je ne pogledate sa strane. Ova slikica mi je tako krasna da samu vrećicu smatram dijelom poklona :D

This is the bag I got my goodies in. a regular black paper bag containing logo and store details...until you see its side design. I love this pic so much that I consider this paper bag a part of my gift :D

Ovo je katalog sa svim proizvodima s naslovnom slikom iz "Theatre of the nameless kolekcije".

This is a catalog with all of the Illamasqua products, and the cover picture is of the "Theatre of the Nameless" collection. 

Napokon, ruž i rumenilo :)
Pogledajte ove divote. Predstavljam vam Illamasqua kremasto rumenilo u nijansi Devour i ruž u nijansi Box.

Finally, the lipstick and the blusher :)
Check out these beauties. I present to you Illamasqua cream blusher Devour and lipstick Box.

Illamasqua Devour cream blusher; Heavy (L) and light (R) swatch

Devour bih ja opisala kao crvenu koja baca na narančasto (kako poetičan opis :D ). Lijevo vidite jači swatch, koji je napravljen tako da sam uzela kist za tekući puder, lagano prešla po rumenilu i jednom po ruci :D
Da, toliko je pigmentirano :D
Lijevi, lagani, swatch sam napravila tako da sam kistom prvo malo prešla po nadlanici i onda lagano po podlaktici. Devour se slobodno može koristiti kao i ruž.

I would describe Devour as a red with a hint of orange (how poetic, right? :D ). Swatch on the left is heavy, made with a foundation brush and the swatch on the left is light swatch I made after I cleaned the brush on the back of my hand. It's insanely pigmented, and you could use it as a lipstick :)

Illamasqua Box lipstick

Illamasqua ruž u nijansi Box je krasna crveno crvena boja, čini mi se da ide od neutralno prema hladnom podtonu jer ima mrvicu plavkasti odsjaj, ali se usuđujem reći da mi krasno stoji, iako sam topli podton :D
Mislim da bi ovaj ruž krasno stajao svakoj curi i ako morate imati nešto od Illamasque, onda apsolutno preporučujem Box :)
Osim što je jako lijep, Box je i užasno dugotrajan. Izdržao je cijelu večer bez popravljanja, a drugi dan sam ga nosila na posao i trebala sam ga samo jednom popraviti i to nakon što sam pojela ručak :D
Ja ga nanosim nakon labela i nimalo mi ne isuši usne :)

Illamasqua Box is a beautful really red color, I think it's neutral to cold because it has a bit of blue in it. But I think it suits me really great, even though I'm warm undertone :) I think this is the one lipstick every girl should own, it's so beautiful and flattering :)

Besides its beauty, box is really long-lasting. It lasted a whole evening without re-applying, and the next day I wore it at work and I hat to fix it just once, after lunch :D
Before Box, I apply thin layer of lip balm and the lipstick doesn't dry out my lips, at all :)

Na ovom svatchu možete vidjeti narančasti odsjaj u Devouru i kako lagani nanos rumenila izgleda apsolutno prirodno.

Here you can see that orange flush Devour has, and how light swatch looks absolutely natural.

Na slijedećim slikama možete vidjeti kako to sve izgleda na mom licu.
On these next photos you can see how this all looks on my face :D

Uz Devour i Box, koristila sam Bourjois Healthy mix puder (nijansa 52), Catrice set za obrve (svjetlije sjenilo), essence I love style tuš za oči i sjenila koja će bit u mojoj slijedećoj recenziji ;)

Besides Devour and Box, I used Bourjois Healthy mix foundation no. 52, Catrice eyebrow kit (lighter shade),  essence I love style eyeliner and eyeshadows you can see in my next post ;)

Toliko od mene za večeras, hvala vam puno na čitanji ili barem gledanju slika ;)
That's all from me for tonight, thank you so much for reading, or at least looking at photos ;)

Lots of love,
All images and content, unless stated otherwise, belong to me (Nic).
So don't be a dick and steal them.
If you do, I hope a wrath of thousands burning demon suns rain upon you.
Have a great day.
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