Hello  :)

Za ovaj post me inspirirala Sleek Berry kolekcija u koju sam se zaljubila cim sam je vidjela. No, kako to i inace kod mene ide, ovaj lotd nema nikakve slicnosti s bojama u Berry kolekciji, ali ipak je ispal borovnicast :D

For this post, I was inspired by Sleek Berry collection in which I fell in love at the first sight. But as it usually goes with me, this lotd has nothing in common with the colors of the Berry collection, but it's still blueberry-like :D

U petak mi je bio rođendan i to 25. :D Sto znaci da je essence Re-mix your style darivanje gotovo :)
Rafflecopter je odabrao pobjednicu, a to je:
Irena B.

Ali to nije sve :)
Odlucila sam da cu odabrati jos jednu osobu koja ce dobiti essence Dance top coat, a to je:

Katarina B.

Cure, čestitam! :)

My 25th birthday was on Friday, which means that my essence giveaway is over :)
Irena B. is the winner, and I chose another person to win essence Dance top-coat, and that was Katarina B.
Congratulations :)

Hvala na citanju :)
Thank you for reading :)

Hello :)

Evo jos jednog posta o flejkijima :D
Nadam se da vam nisam dosadila, ali mislim da flejkija nikad dosta :D
Prije nekoliko dana sam napokon uspjela uhvatiti essence Waking up in Vegas tj. Dance top coat iz Re-mix your style TE. Iako imam doma cijelu kolekciju Inglot flejkija, kao što  već rekoh, flejkija nikad dosta :D
Ugrabila sam Dance topper i sad vam donosim usporedbu sa Inglot 202 flejkijima.

This is one more post about flakies :D
I hope I'm not boring you with this, but in my opinion, you can never have enough flakies :D
A couple of days ago I managed to grab essence Waking up in Vegas aka Dance top coat of Re-mix your style TE. Even though I have a whole collection of Inglot flakies, as I said before, you can never have enough flakies :D
I did a comparison of essence Dance top coat and Inglot 202.

Vidite li razliku? Flake-ovi u Inglotu su veci i gusci, i otprilike iste velicine, dok essence ima flakeove raznih velicina, od sitnih do velikih, i nisu tako gusti. To je jedina razlika :)
I essence i Inglot sadrze istu kolicinu laka (8 ml). essence je limitirana kolekcija i dođe 15 kn, dok je Inglot 202 u stalnoj postavi (iako često rasprodan) i dođe 46 kn.

Can you spot the difference? Flakes in the Inglot nail polish are bigger and more dense than essence, and approximately the same size, while essence one has flakes of all sizes, from really tiny to bigger ones, and are not as dense. That is the only difference :)
Essence and Inglot contain the same volume of nail polish (8 ml). Essence one is a part of a limited collection and it costs 15 kn (2 eur), while Inglot  202 is a part of a regular collection (although it's almost always out of stock) and it costs 46 kn (6 eur).

Usudila bih se reći da su identicni i da ako imate essence Dance, ne treba vam Inglot 202 ;)
Da ne zaboravim, ovo je jedan sloj flejkija preko jednog sloja essence Berlin story.

I would dare to say they are perfect dupes, and if you own essence Dance, you don't need Inglot 202 ;)
Before I forget, this is one layer of flakies over one layer of essence Berlin story.

A sad vam želim zahvaliti s jednim kratkim darivanjem :)
Ovaj put možete zaraditi samo jedan entry, i to samo ako pratite blog preko Google Friend Connecta :)
Nemojte nigdje oglašavati ovo darivanje, jer je ovo samo za vas, moje krasne followere koji me zaista i čitaju.
Pri ovom darivanju ću koristiti Rafflecopter i nadam se da neće biti problema pri sudjelovanju :D
Sve što trebate je pratiti blog pomoću GFC-a i upisati to u Rafflecopter :)
Darivanje traje od sad pa sve do slijedeceg petka (mog rođendana :D ). 

And now I want to thank you with one small giveaway :)
This time you can get only one entry, and only if you are my GFC follower :)
Please don't pass on the news about this giveaway because this one is only for you, my wonderful followers, the ones who really read my blog :)
I will use Rafflecopter for this giveaway, and I hope it will run smoothly :D
Everything you need to do is to follow my blog via GFC and make an entry in the Rafflecopter :)
Giveaway is open until next friday (my birthday :D).

Happy New year!!!
I wish you all all the best in this year, a lot of great nail polish and make-up, and beautiful looks and manicures :)

Sretna Nova godina!!!
Želim vam sve najbolje u ovoj godini, mnogo krasnih lakova i šminke, i lijepih lookova i manikura :)

This year I start in style, with flakies :)
I made a flakie franken with my Inglot flakies and layered it over Golden rose matte nail polish.

Ovu godinu počinjem sa stilom, uz flejkije :)
Napravila sam franken od mojih Inglot flejkija i nalakirala ga preko Golden rose mat laka.  

2 layers of Golden rose and one layer of  INM fast dry top coat

Look at the shimmer :)

How do you like it?
Are you a flakie fan or you don't care about it?

Kako vam se sviđa?
Volite li flejkije ili vam nije stalo do njih?

Thank you for reading
Hvala na čitanju

All images and content, unless stated otherwise, belong to me (Nic).
So don't be a dick and steal them.
If you do, I hope a wrath of thousands burning demon suns rain upon you.
Have a great day.
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