Hello :)

Prije nego što se bacim na opisivanja ovih Ilamasqua ljepota i pokazivanja slika, zanima me jedna stvar :D
Je li vam iritantno što svaki post započinjem s "Hello"?
Nećete vjerovati, ali tek sam sad postala toga svjesna . Nekako mi je nepristojno započinjati post bez da pozdravim prisutne. Krenula sam napisat "Dobar veče" i onda krenula razmišljat da neće svi čitati ovaj post tijekom večeri i vratila se na "Hello". Tad me strefila spoznaja :D
No dobro, nazad na važnije stvari.

Before I start describing this Illamasqua beauties and showing you the photos, I'm interested in one thing :D
Do you find irritating that almost every post I write starts with "Hello"?

You won't believe me when I tell you that I noticed that right now. I find it a bit impolite to start a new post without some kind of greeting. i wanted to write "Good evening" and then I started to think that not everyone will read this post in the evening and I went back to "Hello", and then it hit me :D 
oh well, back to the matter at hand.

Već sam davno prije pisala o Illamasqua Box ružu i otad mi je to najdraži ruž u kolekciji. Bolesno je dugotrajan (ostao je netaknut nakon večere od tri slijeda jela), ne isušuje, ne ostaje čak ni na čašama kad pijete.

Nedavno sam preko rasprodaje na Illamasqua UK stranici kupila i Encounter.Uzela sam ga na blef, jer ga nisam prije ni isprobala u Illamasqua trgovini, ali sam se zaljubila kad sam ga vidjela kod Girly .

Kao i svi Illamasqua ruževi, Encounter dolazi u čvrstoj crnog kartonskoj kutijici, s naljepnicom s imenom nijanse, logom te gramažom, sastavom, deklaracijom, opisom itd.

Some time ago, I wrote of Illamasqua lipstick in Box and since then it has been my favorite lipstick in my stash. It is very long lasting (it survived, untouched, on my lips even after a three course dinner), it is not drying, it doesn't even stain the glass when you wear it.

A few months ago, I ordered Illamasqua Encounter, on their winter sale. I haven't even swatched it before purchasing it, but I was amazed by it when I saw it over at  Girly's.

As every other Illamasqua lipstick, Encounter is comes packed in a firm black cardboard box, with a name sticker, logo, weight, ingredients, declaration, description etc.

Na dnu elegantnog pakiranja od crne plastike, nalazi se naljepnica s nazivom nijanse, porijeklom te trajanjem, koje je 18 mjeseci od otvaranja.

On the bottom of the very elegant black plastic packaging, there is a sticker with the name of the lipstick, country of manufacturing and best by period, which is 18 months after opening.

S obzirom da je Encounter crvena s primjesom narančaste, jako ga je teško dobiti sliku realne nijanse, tako da su i na donjoj slici jarko izraženi narančasti tonovi. Encounter je u stvarnosti puno crveniji, kao što možete vidjeti na swatchevima.

Considering Encounter is a red with a strong presence of orange, it is really hard to get a real photo of the bullet, as you can see in the photo below, the orange hues are very strong. In reality, Encounter has much more red, as you can see in the swatches.

Illamasqua Encounter je topla crvena nijansa s primjesom narančaste. Nažalost nisam imala prilike nositi ga duže vrijeme, samo sam ga jednom isprobala da mu osjetim teksturu. Kremastiji je od Boxa, ali manje kremast od Kontrola.

Illamasqua Encounter is a warm red lipstick, that is more on the orange spectrum. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to wear it for a longer periods of time, prior to writing this post (stupid allergies), I only applied it to feel its texture. It is creamier than Box, but not as creamy as Kontrol.

S obzirom da Encounter i Box slove kao must have crvene nijanse, odlučila sam ih swatchati jednog pored drugoga.

Box je hladna crvena nijansa, dok je Encounter toplog podtona. Iz toga zaključujemo da Box ima primjese plavog pigmenta, a kao što je prije spomenuto, Encounter ima primjese narančaste. Na donjim swatchevim razliku možete i sami primjetiti:

Considering both Encounter and Box are Illamasqua's must-have-reds, I decided to swatch them side by side.

Box is a cool red, and Encounter has warm undertone. That said, Box has some bluish pigment in it, and as I said before, Encounter has a bit of orange in it. On the swatches below, you can se the difference for yourselves:

Illamasqua Box (left) and Encounter (right)

Ako mislite da su preslični, pogledajte finalni dokaz, swatch koji sam malo razmrljala kako bih što bolje pokazala razliku u podtonu:

If you still think they are way too similar, I smeared both of them a bit so I can better show you the difference:

Illamasqua Box (left) and Encounter (right)

Iako je razlika vidljiva, neki će tvrditi da je crveni ruž samo crveni ruž i da je dovoljno imati samo jedan primjerak. Također će se naći onih koji se čvrsto drže onoga što je komplementarno njihovom podtonu pa će uzeti ili Box ili Encounter, ovisno koji im više pristaje.

Ja tvrdim da ih morate imati oboje, kojeg god podtona ili boje kože bili. 
Osobno sam toplog podtona, pravi svijetli žućo, ali živim u uvjerenju da mi Box savršeno pristaje i nitko me ne može uvjeriti u suprotno. Encounter je samo šećer na kraju. Nikad dovoljno crvenih ruževa ;)

Even though these are very different toned reds, some would claim that the red lipstick is really just a red lipstick, and that is more than plenty to have only one. Also, a lot of people will stick to lipstick that lean to same undertone as their skin, and will choose between Box and Encounter.

I'm claiming that you have to have both of them, no matter your skin color or undertone.
Me personally, I have warm undertone, I'm a genuine light skinned yellowish girl, but I firmly believe that Box suits me like charm, and no one can convince me otherwise. Encounter is just a cherry on top. You can never have enough red lipsticks ;)

Smatrate li da je dovoljno imati samo jedan crveni ruž?
Ili ste kolekcionar?
Do you think that is enough to own just one red lipstick?
Or do you try to collect them all?

Hvala na čitanju :*
Thank you for reading :*


Hello :)

Kao što sam već najavila u jednom od prethodnih postova, planiram jedno veliko darivanje, gdje ću pobjednika za jednu nagradu izvući slučajnim odabirom, a za dvije nagrade ćete se moći natjecati :)

Nažalost kako čekam na dvije od tri stvari već cijelu vječnost, odlučila sam napraviti jedno malo preddarivanje-darivanje :D

Tako da, evo ga :)

As I previously mentioned in one of my posts, I'm planning a huge giveaway, that will have one prize where the winner will be randomly selected, and two prizes you will have to compete for :)

But, as I've been waiting for two of those prizes to arrive for what seems an eternity, I decided to host a mini-pregiveaway-giveaway :D

So, here it is :)

Odlučite li se sudjelovati u ovom darivanju, možete osvojiti jedan potpuno novi Nyx Girls Dorothy lak :)
Jako volim ovaj lak, prekrasan je, a i za njega se govori da je kopija Deborah Lippmann Ruby Red Slippers laka.

S obzirom da ga nisam još swatchala (kupila sam dvije bočice, jednu za sebe, a jednu za darivanje), ne mogu vam pokazati na svojim noktima, koliko je u biti krasan.
Navedeno nasreću možete vidjeti  ovdjeovdje and ovdje :)

Entering my giveaway, you have a chance to win one brand new Nyx Girls Dorothy nail polish :)
I love this nail polish, it's so pretty, and is a alleged dupe of Deborah Lippmann Ruby Red Slippers.

Since I haven't swatched it yet ( I bought two of them, one for me and one for a giveaway), I can't show you how awesome it really is.
But you can see this beauty in action here, here and here :)

Kako biste osvojili ovu krasotu, sve što morate napraviti je unijeti tražene podatke u Rafflecopter :)
Ne morate pratiti moj blog, sve što mi treba je vaša e-mail adresa, kako bih mogla kontaktirati pobjednika, i to je jedini obvezni unos :)

Naravno, možete napraviti i ostale tražene stvari za dodatnu šansu za osvajanje nagrade :) 

Sretno, imate vremena do nedjelje u ponoć, kad se darivanje zaključuje :)

To win this beauty, just fill in all the required data in the Rafflecopter :)
You don't need to be follower or do any of the optional stuff, I just need your e-mail address so I can contact you, and that is the only mandatory entry :)

Of course, you can do all of the other stuff for some additional entries, too :)

Good luck, and you have by this Sunday, at midnight :)

And by the way, this giveaway is international :)
The only bad thing that could happen if someone who is not from Croatia wins, is if the Croatian postal service refuses to ship the nail polish :(
If that happens, I will try to compensate you for the nail polish with some non-liquid prize :)

Hvala vam što me čitate i što sudjelujete u darivanju :*
Thank you for reading me and entering my giveaway :*

All images and content, unless stated otherwise, belong to me (Nic).
So don't be a dick and steal them.
If you do, I hope a wrath of thousands burning demon suns rain upon you.
Have a great day.
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