Hello :)

Pogađate is naslova o kome je riječ?
Yup, Tony Stark aka Iron Man :)
Trčim u kino, gledat Iron Man 3, a prije nego me dečko zadavi i odvuče od kompa, htjedoh podijelit s vama look inspiriran bojama Iron Man-a :)

Can you guess who is this post about?
Yup, Tony Stark aka Iron Man :)
I'm going to the movies to watch Iron Man 3, but before my better half drags me by my hair away from computer, I wanted to share with you a look inspired by Iron Man's color scheme :)

(kad se vratim iz kina/ujutro ću napisati što sam sve koristila)
(when I get back home/in the morning, I will write down the stuff I used to do this look)


A sad gibam :)
And now, I gotta run :)

Hello :)

Danas sam htjela napravit jedan šareni look, pun žutih i zelenih i ljubičastih i zlatnih i svega i svačega...
Na kraju je ipak ispao standardni zelenkasto tirkiznasto ljubičasti look :D
Jedino što me tješi u ovom ponavljanju lookova je da mi se čini da se popravljam u blendanju :)
Razmišljala sam čak rekreirat neke starije lookove, ali s puno više blendanja i preciznosti.

Today I wanted to do a very colorful look, using yellows and greens and violets and goldens and everything...
At the end it turned out to be a standard for me, tealish violet look :D
The only good thing about this recreation of looks is that I'm under the impression that I'm getting better at blending :)
I thought about recreating some of the older looks, but with much more blending and precision.

For this one I used:

  • Catrice Starlight expresso (eyebrows)
  • essence Mystic lemon (under-brow highlight)
  • Catrice Coolibri LE Birds flying high eyeshadow (eyeshadow base)
  • Bourjois eyeliner pencil 19 Bleu surprenant
  • Teal eyeshadow from Wet n Wild Blue had me at hello palette (lid)
  • Catrice The violent violet eyeshadow (lower lashline)
  • essence black eyeshadow (upper lashline)
  • Violet eyeshadow from MUA Poptastic palette (crease)
  • essence I love extreme mascara 

Je li dosadno ili vam se sviđa? :)
Is it boring or do you maybe like it?

Hvala na čitanju
Thank you for reading


Hello :)

Prije tri mjeseca sam s jednom grupom cura sudjelovala u mega narudžbi sa Illamasqua UK stranice i dva mjeseca i pol mjeseca kasnije (da...dobro ste pročitale, dva i pol mjeseca uz krivo poslane artikle, prepakiravanje i neodgovaranje na pitanja upućena službi za korisnike...) dobila sam naručeno.

Three months ago a few girls and me decided to  made a huge order from a Ilamasqua UK site and two and a half months later (yes...two and a half months it took for a package of make-up to arrive to its destination, and not without some missing products) my order was here.

Neke od stvari će imati premijeru na blogu prvog dana svibnja, a danas vam želim pokazati prekrasni Illamasqua pigment po imenu Berber.
U Berber sam se zaljubila čim sam ga vidjela, kad ga je Nihrida swatchala, a zatim i kad ga je pokazala u punom svijetlu, znala sam da je stvoren za mene. Nažalost mi je uvijek bilo malo puno izdvojiti 155kn, koliko dođe po punoj cijeni u Illamasqua dućanu. Zato kad sam vidjela da je na zimskom sniženju na UK stranici za 5 GBP, nije bilo dvojbe: 50kn i dva i pol mjeseca dalje i napokon je stigao do mene.

Some of the thingies I ordered you will see on 1st of May, and today I want to show you the beautiful  Illamasqua loose pigment Berber.
I fell in love with Berber as soon I laid my eyes on it, when Nihrida swatched it, and then when she showed it in its full glory I knew it was ment to be. Unfortunately, 15.50 GBP was always just a bit too expensive for me. When I saw it was on sale for just 5 GBP, I was without a doubt: 50 HRK and two and a half months later, and it was here.

Berber dolazi u standardnom Illamasqua pakiranju, crni karton, ovaj puta prorezan kako bi se vidjela nijansa pigmenta, sadrži kvadratnu, plosnatu kutijicu punu crvenkaste divote.
Kutijica sadrži 1.3 grama proizvoda, a rok trajanja mu je 18 mjeseci od otvaranja (hau jes no, trajat će dok ga ne potrošim :D ).

Berber arrives in a standard Illamasqua packaging, black cardboard, this time with a square shaped hole to better see the color of the pigment, contains a squareish flat plastic box filled with a reddish beauty.
It contains 1.3g of product, and its expiry date is 18 months from the first opening (as if, it will last until it is all gone :D ).

Ako mu išta zamjeram, to je onda poklopac kojeg je dosta teško otvoriti ako nemate duže nokte, s obzirom da je jako gladak i nema nikakav utor koji bi pomogao pri otvaranju. 

The only thing I don't like is the lid which is almost impossible to open if you don't have long nails, considering it is very smooth and it doesn't have any ridge which would be very helpful.

Kad ga napokon otvorite, dobijete ovo čisto savršenstvo, crvenkasto narančasti ciglasti prah pun zlatno zelenih šljokica. 

When you manage to open it, you get this pure perfection, reddish orangeish bricky dust packed with golden-green glitter. 

L: applied dry; R: applied wet

Gornji swatch mi nije baš najbolji od svih napravljenih, ali pošto je Berber jako fino mljeven, uz izuzetak šljokica, dosta se rasipa pri swatcanju i ne ostavlja dovoljno dobro pigmentiran premaz. Uz svo rasipanje po ruci, očekivala sam da će mi pola lica postat berberasto kad se pokušam našminkat s njim, ali začudo, jako se malo trusi kad ga se pažljivo nanosi kistom.

I'm not very proud with my swatch pictured above because Berber is very finely milled, with the exception of glitter, and it has much fallout during swatching and it's not very pigmented. Considering the fallout, I expected I will have a half of my face berbery when I try to do eye make up, but this wasn't the case, as it has a very little fallout when it is carefully applied with the brush.

Berber ima toliko lica da sam napravila čak tri različita looka.
Za prvi sam nanijela essence crno mat sjenilo na cijeli kapak i izblendala ga prema obrvi. Zatim sam na kapak nanijela pošteni sloj Berbera te ga izblendala preko crne podloge, radi čega je izgubio intenzitet i stopio se s podlogom.
Na obrvama je Catrice Starlight espresso sjenilo, maskara je essence I love extreme, baza je Art Deco, a ova loša crna olovka na waterlineu je e.l.f.
Slijede dvije slike istog looka s različitim osvijetljenjem.

Berber has so many different sides to it, I had to make at least three different looks for it.
For the first one I applied matte essence black eyeshadow all over my lid, and blended it towards the brow. Then I packed Berber on my lid and blended it with the black base. It lost a lot of intensity because of blending, and it merged with the black eyeshadow. On my eyebrows I had Catrice Starlight espresso eyeshadow, mascara is essence I love extreme, eyeshadow base is Art Deco, and this horrific black pencil on the waterline is e.l.f.
The two pictures below are of the same look, but under different illumination.

Dok sam se naslikavala i pokušala uhvatiti prekrasno prelijevanje Berbera na kapcima, naletila sam post Voodoo Blonde o Inglot Duralineu, koji mi čami u ladici Helmera već godinu dana. Zanimalo me kako se Duraline i Berber slažu pa sam nasaftala blazinicu Bioderma micelarnom, maknula gornji look i naduralajnala berber :)

While I was trying to take a good photo of the look above, I stumbled upon the post Voodoo Blonde  made about Inglot Duraline, which was sitting in my Helmer drawer for the past year. I wondered how it would work with Berber, so I immediately took off my makeup with Bioderma sensibio, and duralined the berber :)

Na gornjoj slici nemam ništa na licu i obrvama, na kapcima je sjenilo boje kože da sakrije kapilare, maskara je essence I love extreme, a crta je napravljena Duralineom i Berberom.

On this photo above, I have nothing on my face and eyebrows, and on my eyelid I masked the capillaries  with the beige eyeshadow, put on essence I love extreme and made a cat-eye with Duraline and Berber.

Dan poslije mi ponovo vrag nije dao mira te me zanimalo kakav je spoj essence mat crnog sjenila na vanjskom kutu oka i mješavine Duraline+Berber na kapku. 

A day later I couldn't resist so I made another look, this time with Duraline and Berber all over my lid, and blending it out with essence matte eyeshadow.

Usuđujem se reći da su fenomenalni :D
Kao i na prvom looku, na obrvama je Catrice Starlight espresso, maskara je essence I love extreme, a tuš je Catrice Black Jack With Jack Black.

If you don't mind me say, Duraline and Berber together are amazing :D
As on the first look, I used Catrice Starlight espresso for the eyebrows, mascara is essence I love extreme and the eyeliner is Catrice Black Jack With Jack Black.

Toliko od mene o Berberu, jedva čekam da ga izvedem u javnost.
That's all from me tonight, I can't wait to wear Berber in public.

Hvala puno na čitanju.
Thank you for reading,

Hello :)

Nadam se da ste uživali u vikendu i da ste spremni za novi radni tjedan.
Ide mi na živce ovo užasno vrijeme, na deset tmurnih dana imamo jedan sunčani.
Jedva čekam proljeće, ako ga uopće budemo imali ove godine...

Protiv tmurnog vremena, odlučila sam se boriti žarkim bojama, tako da vam danas donosim recenziju dvije Makeup Academy olovke za oči, Bright Orange i Royal Blue.

I hope you had a great weekend and that you're ready for the new working week.
I'm terribly annoyed by this stupid weather, we get one sunny day for ten rainy ones.
I can't wait for the Spring, if we even have one this year...

The best way to fight gloomy weather is with bright and bold colors, so today I'm bringing you a review of two of MUA Intense Colour Eyeliner Pencil in Bright Orange and Royal Blue.

MUA olovke možete kupiti na njihovom web storeu, po cijeni od £1.00.
Dolaze zapakirane u prozirni celofan, tako da ste sigurni da ih nitko nije isprobavao prije nego što su došle do vas. Plastični čep služi i kao oštrilo, što je poprilično korisno, a rok trajanja im je šest mjeseci od otvaranja.

You can buy MUA on their web shop for £1.00.
They come tightly wrapped in the plastics so you can be sure no one tried it on before you. The plastic cap comes with the pencil sharpener, which is very useful.

Olovke su poprilično kremaste i prekrasno pigmentirane, u jednom premazu ostavljaju savršenu boju. 
Nažalost nisu nešto posebno trajne same po sebi, ali su krasne kao podloga za sjenilo.

MUA pencils are very creamy and beautifully pigmented, they leave a perfect color with one swipe. Unfortunately they are not long lasting on their own, but are pretty good as an eyeshadow base. 

Nakon dugo vremena sam odlučila i našminkati oči, tako da na slici ispod vidite MUA olovke upotrijebljene kao bazu za Sugarpill Flamepoint (i Poison plum u pregibu oka)  i L'Oreal Infallible sjenilo 006 All night blue.

After a long time, I decided to put on some make up on my eyes. On the photos below you can see MUA pencils used as a base for Sugarpill Flamepoint (and Poison plum in the crease) and L'Oreal Infallible 006 All night blue eyeshadow.

Ako ste ljubitelji žarkih boja, apsolutno preporučujem kupnju MUA olovaka za oči.
Toliko od mene za danas, nisam baš rječita, ali mislim da slike govore sve.

If you like bright colors, I can only recommend buying MUA eyeliner pencils.
That's all from me today, I didn't write much, but I think that the photos are saying enough for themselves.   

Hvala na čitanju
Thank you for reading


Hello :)

Long time, no siege :D

Prošla su i ta dva tjedna, a mene evo nazad. New and improved Nic, koja će težiti objavi barem dva posta tjedno, jer imam toliko krasota koje želim podijeliti sa svijetom, a nikako da to i učinim.
Mali problem je što mi inspiracija za postove dolazi kad radim neke random stvari, npr. kad hodam gradom ili kad se tuširam. Možda da kupim diktafon? :D

Danas je na tapeti jedna krasota koja čeka red već skoro dva mjeseca, ljepota koju sam dobila na Kryolanovom RED ALERT eventu :)

The two weeks (and some more) are gone, and here I am, at last. new and improved Nic, who will strive to publish at least two blogposts per week, because I have so many beautiful things I want to share with the world, and so little time.
The problem is, inspiration hits meat the most inconvenient times, when I'm taking a walk or when I'm in the shower. Maybe I should buy a dictaphone? :D

Today I want to show you one beauty that's been waiting its turn since February, a little present I got at the Kryolan RED ALERT blogger event.

Bilo je super i baš cool družit se s kolegicama blogericama u "radnom" okruženju. Vjerujem da ste pročitale sve o tom eventu na drugim blogovima čije su vlasnice ažurnije i imaju malo veći osjećaj dužnosti i aktualnosti od little ol' me, tako da vas neću gnjavit s opisima kako nam je bilo divno, kako smo se zezale i uvalile prste u apsolutno sve što su nam krasne cure iz Kryolana donijele u showroom.
Molim lijepo da kliknete na ovaj link koji će vas odvesti na album na facebok pageu bloga. S obzirom da mi je aparat otkazao poslušnost i bila sam osuđena na slikavanje mobitelom u poluosvjetljenom prostoru te takve slike ne želim stavit na blog.

It was very great and cool hanging out with my blogger colleagues, in the "working" environment. I believe you already found out everything there is to know about the event from their blogs, so I won't bore you with descriptions of how awesome it was.
Now I urge you to go to this link that will take you to the photo album on the Facebook page of my blog, that contains photos from this event. Considering my camera didn't want to cooperate, I had to take photos with my Iphone in the poorly lit space, and those photos I don't want on my blog. 

Kryolan LCP650 je ruž za kojeg u Kryolanu kažu da je najsavršeniji crveni ruž na svijetu, nijansa koja pristaje svim podtonovima i njihova najprodavanija nijansa.
Nažalost nisam bila u stanju isprobati ga na usnama te ne mogu pričati o trajnosti, ali zato ću vam pokušat dočarat nijansu.

At Kryolan, they say that LCP650 is the most perfect red lipstick in the world, a shade of red that suits everyone, no matter the undertone, and it's their bestseller.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to test it on my lips, so I can't describe how durable it is, but I'll try to show you it's shade.

Kryolanovi ruževi dolaze u srebrnoj plastičnoj kutijici te sadrže 4 grama. Rok upotrebe je 24 mjeseca od otvaranja, a napravljeni su u Njemačkoj. Kryolan nije baš maštovit u davanju imena svojim proizvodima, tako da je ova ljepota nazvana LCP650. Nećemo im to uzet za zlo jer ni Seven of Nine nema baš inovativno ime, pa je svejedno prekrasna.

Kryolan lipsticks are packed in silvery plastic container and their weight is 4g. Their expiry date is 24 months from the day of opening, and they are made in Germany. Kryolan is not the most imaginative brand when it comes to names, so this beauty is called LCP650. I don't really mind, because Seven of nine doesn't have a very innovative name, and she is beautiful, nonetheless.

Kryolan se ponosi činjenicom da svu pozornost usmjeravaju na sadržaj i kvalitetu, a ne formu, tako da možete biti sigurni da se u sterilnom, uniformnom pakiranju nalazi kvaliteta u koju se veoma isplati uložiti, pogotovo ako ste profesionalni vizažist.
Uz cijenu od 75kn, grijeh je novce bacati na loreale i maksfaktore :mudri:

LCP650 je crvena koja vuče više na toplo nego na hladno. Većina kaže da je neutralna, ali ja baratam samo toplo/hladno relacijama, nisam još svladala neutralne :D

Kryolan is proud by the fact they are paying all of their attention to the content and quality, and not to the form, so you can rest assured that the sterile, uniform packaging contains a very high quality product worth your money, especially if you are a pro MUA.
With the price of 10 EUR, it is really a shame to throw your money to loreals and maxfactors.

LCP650 is a red that is more warm than cool. Most people say it's a true neutral, but I'm stupid for neutrals so I stick to the warm/cool :D 

Tekstura ovog ruža je bogata i kremasta, lagano se nanosi i već nakon jednog poteza ostavlja krasno pigmentirani premaz. Osobno ga nisam istestirala na usnama (glupi zdravstveni problemi mrnjfgmnj -.- ), ali BeautyAndSweets kaže da je njoj poprilično dugotrajan.

Texture of this lipstick is rich and creamy, it is easily applied and after one swipe it leaves a really great pigmented swatch. I personally couldn't test it on my lips (stupid health problems mrnjfgmnj -.- ), but BeautyAndSweets says it is really longlasting.

Usporedila sam ga s Illamasqua Encounter ružem, jer su mi se učinili jaaaaako slični. Ipak je Illamasqua mlađa sestra Kryolana, tako da je moguće da imaju dosta identičnih nijansi. Čak su i mirisom slični.

I compared it with Illamasqua Encounter lipstick, because it seemed to me they are pretty similar shades of red. After all, Illamasqua is Kryolan's baby sister, so it is possible they have a lot of similar shades. They even smell alike. 
L:Kryolan LCP650 ; R:Illamasqua Encounter

Lijevo je LCP650, a desno Encounter. Kryolan je sjajniji i kremastiji od potpuno mat Encountera, koji ima više suhu teksturu. Po nijansama su tu negdje, Encounter je za mrvicu svjetliji od Kryolana.

Left is LCP650, and on the right is Encounter. Kryolan is creamier with more sheen to it, and Encounter is completely matte that has a dry texture. They are pretty similarly coloured, with Encounter being a smidge lighter than Kryolan.

Nakon testa razmuljavanjem dobijemo ovo:
After the smudging test, this is what we are left with:

L:Kryolan LCP650 ; R:Illamasqua Encounter

Moj konačan sud je da ako pokušavate ne skupljat slične nijanse, mislim da vam ne trebaju ovisi o teksturi koju preferirate i cijeni koju ste spremni odvojiti (Illamasqua ruževi su duplo skuplji od Kryolanovih).
Ako jako volite crvene ruževe, zašto već nemate oba? :D

If you are trying to refrain from buying the similarly coloured lipsticks, than I believe you don't need both of them, and it depends on the texture of choice, and the price you are wiling to pay (Illamasqua lipsticks are twice the price of Kryolan).
If you are really into red lipsticks, why don't you already have both of them? :D

Osobno sam oduševljena Kryolanom u cjelini te se prvom prilikom vraćam po barem još jedan ruž, Kryolan L11...tko bi rekao da mi je ljubičasti ruž zapeo za oko :D
Personally, I love Kryolan and I'm going there as soon as possible to buy myself at least one more lipstick, Kryolan L11... who would've guessed the purple one caught my eye :D

Kao i Ilamasqua, Kryolanovi proizvodi nisu testirani na životinjama, a njihove proizvode možete kupiti u dućanu u Zagrebu, u Brozovoj ulici broj 36/2, radnim danom od 8-17h.

Kryolan doesn't test on animals and they are available in Croatia, Zagreb, Brozova 36/2, work days 8-17h.

Jeste li isprobali Kryolan kozmetiku?
Imate kakve preporuke, koji su must-have proizvodi? :)

Have you tried Kryolan cosmetics?
Do you have any reccomendations for me, some of their must-haves? :)

Thank you for reading,

All images and content, unless stated otherwise, belong to me (Nic).
So don't be a dick and steal them.
If you do, I hope a wrath of thousands burning demon suns rain upon you.
Have a great day.
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