Kryolan&ItGirls: Lip N'Cheek event

Hello :)

Prošli četvrtak me draga Dubravka s ItGirl portala pozvala na drugo Kryolan druženje, u njihovom novom prostoru, Šoštarićeva 10 , u Zagrebu.
Ovaj put su nam Ana i Vesna iz Kryolana te MUA Mirel Gotal Mišak predstavile Kryolanov novi proizvod. Lip N'Cheek je novi, višenamjenski proizvod koji se može koristiti kao rumenilo i lip stain, a dolazi u jedanaest nijansi.
svaka od nas je dobila i jedan Lip N'Cheek kao poklon, tako da uskoro možete očekivati puno recenzija :)

Last Thursday I was invited by lovely Dubravka of ItGirl portal to a second Kryolan hangout, in Kryolan Make-up Store, Šoštarićeva 10 , Zagreb. 
This time, Ana and Vesna from Kryolan, and MUA Mirel Gotal Mišak presented to us Kryolan's new product, Lip N'Cheek, a multi-purpose product that can be use as blush or as a lip stain, and it comes in 11 shades.
Each of us got one as a gift, so you can expect a review soon :) 

Kryolanov novi prostor je divan, pun prirodnog svjetla i prekrasnog make-upa.
Bilo mi je krasno, družila sam se s blogericama, a neke sam i po prvi put upoznala.
Neću vas više gnjaviti s napisanim, ali ostavljam vas s lijepim slikama :D

Kryolan's new place is beautiful, filled with natural light and amazing make-up.
I had a great time, hanging out with other bloggers, and meeting some of them for the first time.
I won't bother you with any more text, just look at the pretty pictures :D

Kryolan UV paleta sjenila

Izvor slike: AlterEgoStyle
Nijanse: Rose(1), Dahlia(2), Poppy(3), Amaryllis(4), Tulip(5), Freesia(6), Petunia(7), Orchid(8), Hibiskus(9), Lilly (10) i Lotus(11)

Mene je zapao Lip N'Cheek u nijansi Poppy, koji je prekrasna ciglasta nijansa :)
Nakon što je malo isprobam, podijelit ću s vama svoja iskustva.

I ended up with Lip N'Cheek in Poppy, a beautiful brick red shade.
After I test it out a bit, I will share my impressions with you :)

Hvala na čitanju
Thank you for reading


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