A week or so ago I was browsing through Emma Pickles' YouTube feed and I loved this purple eyeliner look. Some time after, I wanted to play with make-up but, since I was obsessed with blue eyeliner, wanted to do a something more navyish.

And this is how this look came to be. I'm not happy with it, the black eyeliner line is not really good and it would've looked better if it was thicker, but there's nothing I can do about it now.

I should really come up with a new photo-shoot face expression...I look silly to myself, but when I try to make a kind face with a hint of smile, it ends up being a Blue Steel. So I guess we are all stuck with a bitchyface Nic (like that is something different than IRL).

Prije nekih tjedan dana gledala sam videe Emme Pickles i ovaj look s ljubičastim eyelinerom mi se jako svidio. Malo iza, igrala sam se šminkom, ali pošto sam bila opsjednuta plavim eyelinerom, htjela sam napraviti nešto modro.

Tako je nastao ovaj look. Nisam baš sretna, trebala sam napravit bolju i deblju crtu tušem, ali što je-tu je.

Trebala bih stvarno nekako naučit radit novi izraz lica kad se slikavam. Sama sebi izgledam smiješno, ali kad pokušam napravit neki blago nasmiješeni izraz lica, na slikama ispadne kao da pokušavam rekreirat Blue Steel. Na kraju mi ipak ne preostaje ništa drugo nego bitchyface Nic (ne bi da se to puno razlikuje od mog izraza lica uživo).

Things I used:

Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation #52
Catrice Starlight expresso
Lorac eyeshadow base
Catrice Black Jack with Jack Black gel eyeliner
120 eyeshadow palette
essence Braking dawn blusher
L'Oreal Miss Manga mascara
Rimmel Apocalips Big Bang

Nude lips, weird smirk

With MAC Ruby Woo

MAC Ruby Woo and Rimmel Big bang

Today I went to Mueller in search for a face brush (the kind for face cleaning, poor man's clairsonic) when I stumbled upon a new Catrice limited edition/new range for Fall/Winter 2014. Lately, I haven't been very impressed by Catrice and Essence LEs, but I immediately fell in love when I saw this one.

Danas sam pošla do Muellera po četku za lice (tj. za čišćenje lica, clairsonic za siromašne) kad sam naletila na novu Catrice limitiranu kolekciju/izbor novih proizvoda iz stalne postave za jesen/zimu 2014. U zadnje vrijeme nisam baš nešto oduševljena Catrice i Essence limitiranim kolekcijama, ali sam se u ovu zaljubila na prvi pogled.

You can go to Catrice webpage and see the whole It Pieces Fall/Winter 2014 range, but I had to control myself and picked the most beautiful pieces.

Možete otići na Catrice stranicu i viditi sve proizvode iz It Pieces Fall/Winter 2014 ali sam se morala suzdržati i uzeti samo one najljepše komade.

Catrice Luxury Lacquers Million Brilliance (what a mouthful) 05 Plum Fiction (11 ml/ 27ish kn) is a beautiful glitter purple polish. I haven't tried it yet, but is looks really nice in the bottle.

Catrice Luxury Lacquers Million Brilliance (what a mouthful) 05 Plum Fiction (11 ml/ oko 27 kuna) je predivni šljokičavi rozo/ljubičasti lak za nokte. Nisam ga još isprobala, ali je krasan u bočici.

Catrice Velvet Matt Eyeshadows (3.5 g/34ish kn)according to their website "Thanks to their silky, highly pigmented formula, the Velvet Matt Eyeshadows practically melt with your skin to create a radiant look." And I really can't put it better myself. They really are smooth and silky. I still have to try them on my lids, but without a doubt they will look great. 

Catrice Velvet Matt sjenila (3.5 g/oko 34 kuna) su na njihovoj stranici opisana ovako: "Thanks to their silky, highly pigmented formula, the Velvet Matt Eyeshadows practically melt with your skin to create a radiant look." Ne znam kako ih bolje opisati, nego kao savršeno mekane i svilenkaste. Još ih moram isprobati na kapcima, ali ne sumnjam da će izgledati divno.

010 Vanillaty Fair and 040 Al Burgundy

010 Vanillaty Fair and 040 Al Burgundy (no primer,dry application/bez baze, suha primjena)

010 Vanillaty Fair and 040 Al Burgundy (no primer,dry application/bez baze, suha primjena)

Did you buy anything from this collection?
Jeste li ugrabili išta od ove kolekcije? 


Hello :)

It's been a long time since my last post...but this is normal for me, I guess.
I think I like it like this, posting when I feel I have something to say. Today it's just a quick update, and next time (tomorrow, later this week?) I'll show you two make-up looks, and three new blushers (for a make-up product I'm experimenting the least with, I'm sure collecting them like crazy). Also, I'll be back to posting both on English and Croatian. I figured, as long as I'm posting once in three months, I sure as hell could be less lazy and translate it if anyone wants to read it.

Prošlo je puno vremena od mog zadnjeg posta...ali to je normalno za mene.
Mislim da mi se ovaj način više sviđa, objavljujem nove stvari kad mislim da imam nešto novo za reći. Ovo danas je samo mali update, a slijedeći put (sutra, kasnije ovog tjedna?) podijelit ću dva nova make-up looka i tri nova rumenila (s obzirom da su rumenila komadi šminke s kojom najmanje eksperimentiram, skupljam ih ko luda). Također, vratit ću se pisanju na engleskom i hrvatskom. S obzirom koliko malo pišem, stvarno bi mogla bit manje lijena i pisat na dva jezika, tako da svatko, ako hoće, može razumijet što piše.

I think I updated you that I got a new job at December 2013...if not, well, you know it now. It's been eight months now, and I love it. Sure, it's stressful as hell, but I enjoy it and I feel that I'm finally mentally growing and I'm becoming more ready (not feeling inadequate and stupid any more) to accept new responsibilities and roles. So, yaaay! The thing I like the most about this job is that I'm working with my best friend and that I can wear casual clothes. And when I say casual, I mean jeans, converse, and qwertee/shirtpunch/teefury shirts. I L-O-V-E it. Sure, occasionally I dress up a bit, but I love that I can wear my Doctor Who shirts to work.

In two weeks time, I'll be off for my vacation, and I can't wait. Two weeks from now, I'll be probably drinking cold beer on my terrace with my family and my boyfriend and curse those damn mosquitoes. And than go for another beer. Because why not.

Mislim da sam vam već rekla da sam u prosincu 2013te krenula raditi na novom poslu...ako ne, sad znate. Prošlo je preko  osam mjeseci i mogu reći da stvarno volim taj posao. Dosta je stresan, ali napokon se osjećam kao da sam dosta sazrela i više se ne osjećam glupo i nedoraslo poslu i spremna sam za nove odgovornosti i uloge. Najviše volim na poslu što radim s najboljom prijateljicom i što se mogu oblačiti u što god da hoću. Najčešće su to traperice, starke i qwertee/shirtpunch/teefury majice. Obožavam to! Tu i tamo se malo ušminkam, ali zakon mi je što mogu nositi svoje Doctor Who  majice na posao.

Za dva tjedna isem na godišnji i jedva čekam. Već se zamišljam kako sjedim na taraci s obitelji i dečkom, pijemo hladnu pivu i proklinjem glupe komarce. I onda idem po još jednu pivu. Jer zašto ne?

Here are some random bits of info:
Evo nekih nevezanih informacija:

First of all, this is me now, without any make-up:
Prvo, ovo sam ja sad, bez imalo šminke na licu:

I caught some tan, even though I'm trying to wear SPF 50+ lotions all the time, but I tan really easily so I'm darker now. Even though I love it when I'm pale, I noticed my jewelry looks better on my tanned skin. But, since I'm not wearing it really often, I still prefer me pale. 

Potamnila sam, iako se trudim nositi kreme sa SPF 50+ non-stop, ali ultralagano potamnim. Jako volim kad sam blijeda, ali sam uočila da mi nakit puno ljepše stoji na tamnijoj koži. Bez obzira na to, nakit ne nosim često, tako da se više volim kad sam svijetla i žuta.

I went to see Guardians of the Galaxy, and I LOOOOOVED it.
I'm not much into comics (not that I don't like them, I do, but they are so damn expensive, and if I started now, I don't know what to pick up first), but I love superhero movies/TV-series/animated series. The first time I heard about GotG is when I saw the photo of Karen Gillan with the shaved head, where she said it's for the role of Nebula in GotG.

Pogledala sam Guardians of the Galaxy, i VOLIM taj film.
Ne čitam stripove (ne zato što ih ne volim, nego zato što su mi preskupi, i kad bi sad krenula sa stripovima, ne znam gdje započeti), ali volim filmove/TV serije/ crtiće o superjunacima. Prvi put kad sam čula za GotG je bilo kad sam vidjela sliku Karen Gillan s obrijanom glavom, kad se reklo da je to za ulogu Nebule u GotG.

She was amazing as Nebula, who would've thought little Amy Pond will grow up to be a crazy-eyed blue psycho.
Super je odglumila Nebulu, tko bi ikad zamislio da će mala Amy Pond odrasti u ludu plavu psihotičnu kuju.

Another surprise was Chris Pratt. Up until then, I'd never watched Parks and Recreation, so I didn't really know how awesome he is. He is one really cool and funny guy and I really like him. And I started watching Parks and Recreation, mainly because of him, but it's a great show.

Još jedno iznenađenje je Chris Pratt. Dotad, nisam nikad gledala Parks and Recreation, tako da nisam uopće znala koliko je on super. Totalno je cool i zabavan i baš mi se jako sviđa. Naravno da sad gledam parks and Recreation, najviše radi njega, ali je isto tako i super serija.

I especially can relate with his views on weight loss:
Mogu se apsolutno poistovjetiti s njegovim pogledima na mršavljenje:

Za svakoga tko nije upalio internet u zadnjih mjesec dana, na ovo misli.

Oh, yeah, and he is Emmet, too.
I da, Chris Pratt je Emmet.

This became a tribute to Chris Pratt, so I won't bore you much longer, but here are a few more things I'm enjoying at the moment:
Ovo se nakraju pretvorilo u post obožavanj Chris Pratta, tako da vas neću još dugo zamarat, ali tu su još neke stvari kojima se bavim u zadnje vrijeme:

Currently, I'm reading The Truth.
Trenutno čitam The Truth.

When I'm not reading, I'm listening to Harry Potter audio-books, read by Stephen Fry. I really like his take on Harry Potter better that Jim Dale's.
Kad ne čitam, slušam Harry Potter audioknjige, koje Stephen Fry čita. Njegova interpretacija Harry Potter knjiga mi je puno bolja nego ona Jim Dalea.

I started watching 24 season 8. Live another day seems amazing, but I need to watch 8 first.
I finished the last season of The Walking Dead, and I loved it. Can't wait for the next one to start.
Doctor Who is starting soon, and I can't wait. Just one more week and Peter Capaldi is on.

Krenula sam s gledanjem osme sezone 24. Live another day mi se čini super, ali mi je ostala osma sezona prvo. Odgledala sam zadnju sezonu The Walking Dead i super mi je. Jedva čekam da slijedeća krene. Doctor Who će brzo krenit, jedva čekam. Za samo tjedan dana, Peter Capaldi preuzima Tardis.

I started with my third play-through of Dragon Age: Origins (this time with Dalish elf rogue duelist/assassin), in preparation for Dragon Age: Inquisition. It looks amazing, and I'm really looking forward to it.
Krenula sam s trećim igranjem Dragon Age: Origins (ovaj put kao Dalish rogue duelist/assassin), kao pripremu za Dragon Age: Inquisition. Izgleda predobro i jedva čekam da dođe.

Lyna Mahariel

Well, that's it from me for now.
Just some random ramblings, but I promise you something great, soon (well, not so much as great, more like a small token of appreciation)

Stick with me, so you don't miss it (it won't be advertised much).

Toliko od mene zasad.
Post je pun nepovezanih stvari, ali za nekih tjedan do dva vam obećavam nešto predobro (ajd, ne toooliko dobro, ali jedan mali znak pažnje).

Bacite oko tu i tamo na blog da ne propustite, ovaj put neću oglašavat puno na facebooku.

All images and content, unless stated otherwise, belong to me (Nic).
So don't be a dick and steal them.
If you do, I hope a wrath of thousands burning demon suns rain upon you.
Have a great day.
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