Red Dream and Poshe'

Finally, my package from enchantedbeautyspot arrived, and it contained Poshe' fast drying topcoat. I was so happy I had to try it on one of the most slow drying nail polishes I've ever tried.

A year of so ago my mom got me Chanel Red Dream. At that time I wasn't really into nail polish but I was happy to have an expensive and good quality nail polish...or so I thought. This sucker is so slow drying, I've never worn it before. It took hours and hours of drying only to be messed up by trying to lace up my shoes.

This is my first time applying Poshe, and I noticed some shrinkage, but maybe my application was wrong? I don't know, I'll try to do it better next time.
Great thiong is, after 15 minutes or so, Chanel was completely dry. I was so happy because the shade is gorgeous. It's a deep red with red microglitter. The only bad thing is that tipwear is terrible. This is my manicure after only one day.



Sorry for the tipwear, I plan to remove this one. I probably won't wear it at all since I'm not really into red nail polish, and I don't like Chanel nail polish at all.
I don't know if I sound a bit snobbish but I'll stick to essence and Catrice for the time being :D

In my next post I will show you an EOTD with my new essence I Love Berlin eyeshadow palette.

I love it! It will save me so much baggage space when I go somewhere for a weekend :D

Have you tried any Chanel nail polish? Do they all dry very slow?
What about Poshe', does it cause shrinkage, or I did something wrong?

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  1. Meni Poshe kao i Seche osuši lak za 5 min. Dok mi Seche skuplja lak, Poshe to ne radi. Bar mi do sad nije napravio niti jednom laku, ali vjerujem da to i o formuli laka ovisi i kako reagiraju jedan na drugog.

  2. Mi pa izgleda ne bomo dobili Berlin TE :(

    Nimam pa nobenega Chanel laka in ga verjetno tudi nikoli ne bom *lol*

  3. @Lalica
    probala sam Poshe preko essence lakova i nije mi nista skupljao :)
    preporodila sam se otkad sam ga dobila, 10min i sve je suho :)

    zao mi je radi Berlin TE, super je kolekcija :/
    nadam se da cete je ipak dobit :)

    sto se Chanel lakova tice, nista ne propustas :D
    ja cu ovoga vjerovatno proslijedit sestri :)

  4. I also have the 'I love Berlin' eyeshadow palette. It's great for taking it with you when travelling.


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