Black eyeliner and red lipstick are a must have for holidays. This is a look I had for Christmas day, but I think it could be perfect for a New Year's Eve party, too. :)

Crni tuš za oči i crveni ruž su neizostavan dio šminke za božićne praznike. Ovaj look sam nosila na Božić, ali mislim da bi mogao biti savršen i za doček Nove godine :)

O hai :D

For this look I used / za ovaj look sam koristila:

- Art Deco eyeshadow base
- essence eyeshadow #43 mystic lemon
- essence metallics palette Steel me (eyeshadow #3)
- S-he stylezone black eyeliner pen
- Catrice all round mascara
- Art deco Eye brow powder #2

- catrice Lip designer lip pencil #010 Ruby red
- essence 50's girls reloaded lipstick #01 Back to the 50's 

-Catrice mineral blush #120 Wild rose

- e.l.f. Under eye concealer & highlight - concealer Light
- Bourjois Healthy mix foundation #52

Thank you for reading
Hvala na čitanju,


What can go better with Ruby pumps if not CG Emerald sparkle?
I love this nail polish, it's a perfect glittery green. But let's face it, every green is beautiful ;)

Što može bolje ići uz Ruby pumps od CG Emerald sparkle-a?
Obožavam ovaj lak, što ima bolje od savršenog šljokičavog zelenca? Iako je meni svaki zeleni lak prekrasan ;)

And this is how I edit my photos:
Na ovoj slici možete vidjeti kako ja editiram svoje slike:

I usually watch Castle (or some other TV show) on my computer, I edit the photos in Lightroom on my laptop and this huge cup of perfect coffee is here just for me :D

Na kompu se vrti Castle ili neka druga serija, na laptopu Lightroom sa slikama, a ova ogromna šalica kave je tu samo za mene :D

Thank you for reading.
Hvala na čitanju,

Hello :)

After my CG Ruby pumps mani started showing slight tip wear, I decided to layer it with one coat of p2 golden crackle. I love the crackle effect of p2 crackle polish, but gold is so not my color.

Pozdrav :)

Nakon što se moja CG Ruy pumps manikura počela trošiti na vrhovima, odlučila sam dodati još jedan sloj laka, i to zlatni p2 crackle. Jako volim kako p2 crackle lakovi pucaju, ali zlatna apsolutno nije moja boja.

I like the sparkly red/gold combination, it has a lovely christmasy feel to it. It reminds me of a Christmas wrapping paper :)
But the sad thing is, it's just not me. I can't wait to take it off and paint my nails with a dark nail polish :D

Sviđa mi se kombinacija sljokicavo crvene i zlatne, izgleda baš božićno. Podsjeća me na božićni papir za zamatanje poklona :)
Žao mi je jer mi se lak jako sviđa, ali mi se ne sviđa kako mi stoji. Jedva čekam da ovo skinem i da nalakiram nokte tamnim lakom :D

What do you think?
Što vi mislite?

Thank you for reading,
Hvala na čitanju,


Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it :)

I hope you had a great day, got everything you wished for and that you are able to breathe, considering all the food that was offered today :D

Sretan Božić svima koji ga slave :)

Nadam se da vam je danas bilo divno, da ste dobili sve što ste poželjeli i da možete normalno disati, kad se uzme u obzir koliko se hrane i kolača pojelo danas :D

Today I have an obligatory China Glaze Ruby Pumps notd, considering it's a perfect christmasy red glitter :) 
As red and green are a perfect Christmas color combo, I paired Ruby pumps with my beautiful nail polish ring, made by my lovely Lalica. If you love nail polish jewelry as much as I love my Zoya Ivanka ring, you can order your custom ring on Blings for fun facebook page :)

Za danas na noktima imam neizbježni China Glaze Ruby pumps koji je savršeni božićni crveni šljokičavac :)
S obzirom da su crvena i zelena idealna božićna kombinacija, uparila sam Ruby Pumps sa svojim krasnim prstenom napravljenim pomoću laka za nokte, koji je napravila moja predivna Lalica. Ako vam se sviđa nakit napravljen uz pomoć lakova za nokte toliko koliko ja volim svoj prsten od Zoye Ivanke, možete naručiti svoj prsten preko Lalicine Blings for fun facebook stranice :) 

And this is what happens when your Christmas spirit wears off :D

Ovo je što se dogodi kad se božićno raspoloženje približi kraju :D

How do you like this English/Croatian post? Do you have any advice how to make it work? Or is this good enough? :)

Kako vam se sviđa ovakav način postanja, na engleskom i hrvatskom? Imate li ikakav savjet  kako poboljšati postanje? Ili su ovakvi postovi dovoljno dobri? :)

Thank you all very much for reading.
Hvala vam svima na čitanju.

Hello, guys :)

Let's pretend it's still not too late to post Halloween looks :D

This one was made some time before Halloween, but I've never posted it here because I was never satisfied with photos. That was before I re-discovered Lightroom. 
I love Lightroom, it makes editing and picking photos to post a gazillion times easier :)

I won't write too much about The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and how much I love that movie, because I consider you know everything about it 
If not, what are you waiting for? Go and watch it, now 

Magenta is my favorite Transylvanian, I love Patricia Quinn's performance. 
I love her rough voice, her untamed red curls and her freakishness :D

Now, onto the picture spam :D
They are many as I couldn't decide which few to choose :)

Nail polish is e.l.f. Light Red

A freaky smile for the end :D

Patricia Quinn as Magenta (RHPS)
Oh, how I miss my red hair 
But then, I love my dark brown hair, also :D

How do you like it? Too weird?
I hope you like it :)

Thank you for reading,

Cure, nisam vas zaboravila, ali nikako da nadjem template koji mi se svidja, a u koji cu moci smisleno uklopiti dva jezika :D
Slijedeci vikend cu napokon imati malo vremena pa cu se pazabaviti time :)
Zasad, nadam se da vam se svidjaju slikice :)

Puno pozdrava

Hello, guys :)

First things first:
I know that you all are dying to know who the winner of my Sigma F80 giveaway is, so let's cut to the chase.

43 people entered the giveaway with 83 entries. chose the random number between 1 and 83:

And the lucky number 35 is:

Congratulations LEA IVUSA

I contacted the winner and she e-mailed me back, so it's official :)

Thank you for entering my giveaway, and for all of your kind words 
It really means a lot, hearing from you all, and knowing you actually like all of this 

I really love and appreciate you all 

One other thing  before we go, I decided to write in both English and Croatian because you said you'd like that better:

Btw. I don't know if you noticed how my header had changed color into ugly yellowish brown.
This poll managed to overwrite my header color settings and now that I deleted it, all is back to normal, yaaay :D
Pozdrav svima :)

prvi put vam se obraćam na hrvatskom i jako mi je čudno :D
Namjeravam pisati na oba jezika paralelno, a želja mi je da izgleda cool i uredno kao u Viole :)
Da bi to bilo moguće, moram naći bolji template ili se poigrat kodom u ovom, za što će mi trebat još malo vremena.
Puno vam hvala što me čitate, hvala vam što ste sudjelovale u darivanju.
Čestitam pobjednici još jednom, a svim ostalima poručujem da će bit još darivanja u skoroj budućnosti :D
(imam samo jednu riječ: Inglot )
(ako ikad popune zalihe) 

Imate li ikakve prijedloge kako poboljšati blog?
Jel vas išta smeta/ide vam na živce?

Thank you very much for reading,


All images and content, unless stated otherwise, belong to me (Nic).
So don't be a dick and steal them.
If you do, I hope a wrath of thousands burning demon suns rain upon you.
Have a great day.
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