Neons and pinks

Hello :)

U Zagrebu je depresivno zadnjih tjedan dana, prvo tmurno vrijeme, pa malo sunca, a čini se da će i ovaj vikend doć do vremenskih neprilika. Užasno mi nedostaju Dubrovnik, sunce, more, taraca s odrinom i povjetarac koji razbija vrelinu... Istina da mi ne nedostaju dani toliko sparni da je jedini nacin prezivljavanja zatvorit sve prozore i upogonit klima uređaj, ali nostalgija za domom nekako uvijek uspije ostaviti samo lijepa sjećanja.

Zagreb's been so depressing this past week. At first we had gloomy weather, then some sun, and it seems the upcoming weekend will be marked with colder and cloudy weather. I miss Dubrovnik, the sun, the sea, my terrace with grape arbor and a breeze that makes the heat more bearable... Of course, I don't miss the terrible heatwave when there's nothing else to do but to barricade the windows and turn on the air-condition, but the nostalgia for home always seems to bring out only the memories of good times.

A sad kad sam vas zagnjavila, prelazim na lakove :D
Ova accent mani mi je bila jedna od ljepših ovog ljeta. China Glaze Turned Up Turquoise i Golden Rose Sweet Color #55 krasno idu uz preplanulu kožu, bijeli kamen, sunce i more :)

And now, let's turn to the nail polish :D
This accent mani I liked the most this Summer. China Glaze Turned Up Turquoise i Golden Rose Sweet Color #55 go great with tanned skin, white stone, the sun and the sea :)

Here you can see how the color shifts between blue and turquoise

Naravno da su boje totalno drugačije u stvarnosti :D
CG je puno zelenija, a GR je neonsko jelly roza. Na zadnjoj slici je GR najbliža realnoj situaciji, ali je puno kričavija inače.

And of course it's not color correct :D 
CG is a lot more green and GR is almost neon jelly pink. GR is the most color accurate at this last photo, but is pops even more in RL.

Toliko zasad, idem se bacit na nove postove ;)
Hvala puno na čitanju :)

That's it for now, I'll go write more new posts ;)
Thank you very much for reading :)



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So don't be a dick and steal them.
If you do, I hope a wrath of thousands burning demon suns rain upon you.
Have a great day.
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