Blue and Red

A week or so ago I was browsing through Emma Pickles' YouTube feed and I loved this purple eyeliner look. Some time after, I wanted to play with make-up but, since I was obsessed with blue eyeliner, wanted to do a

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New in: Catrice It Pieces Fall/Winter 2014

Today I went to Mueller in search for a face brush (the kind for face cleaning, poor man's clairsonic) when I stumbled upon a new Catrice limited edition/new range for Fall/Winter 2014. Lately, I haven't been very impressed by Catrice and

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Hello :) It's been a long time since my last post...but this is normal for me, I guess. I think I like it like this, posting when I feel I have something to say. Today it's just a quick update, and

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Snow White

U zadnje vrijeme, imala sam, prema mom shvaćanju, strašnih problema s tenom. Koža mi je poludila, dobila sam puno sitnih prištića koje sam naravno mooorala raskopat (nekad bi si prste zalijepila za dlanove, samo da ne mogu kopat po licu), i

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Ozotic Pro 513

Kao i ljepotan iz prošlog posta, Ozotic pro lakovi su prije otprilike dvije godine zaludili blogosferu. Ozotic dolazi iz Australije, ispravite-me-ako-griješim, proizvodio ih je Picture Polish, gdje su se mogli i kupiti. Osobno sam slinila nad njima, ali s obzirom

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All images and content, unless stated otherwise, belong to me (Nic).
So don't be a dick and steal them.
If you do, I hope a wrath of thousands burning demon suns rain upon you.
Have a great day.
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