Dr Stribor Rose&Argan cream

I think this is my first review of something that is not a make-up product, so I hope it won't suck.

This winter caught me a bit off guard. I used my Autumn face skincare routine, and by the end of December I noticed my skin got severely dry/dehydrated.

I switched my routine and started using Ole Henriksen pure truth youth activating oil that I got in LookFantastic beauty box, and I needed to find a good and nourishing face cream to compliment it.

I remembered that all the blogs were raving about Dr. Stribor Rose&Argan creamespecially Babushka, who I trust completely, so I decided to try it.

Dr. Stribor is a Croatian brand, established by dr. Stribor Marković, and they have loads of great products, among which is  Rose and Argan cream.

Rose and Argan cream (82.94 kn; 50ml) is a nourishing cream filled with natural ingredients and high quality oils, such as rose essential oil, argan oil, apricot kernel oil, sea buckthorn oil, with vitamin E and panthenol.

It comes in white plastic 50 ml jar with black printed letters on it, and this print is a terrible thing, but more of it later.

It is deep orange and to me it has a really pleasant scent, you can smell the musky rose scent with a hint of argan. Argan by itself has a  intensive scent that reminds me of goats, but I don't hate it because it reminds me of childhood (or maybe goats smelled of argan?). If you've never smelled pure argan oil, than you would feel only intensive rose scent with a hint of nuts.

The cream itself has gel-like texture and sinks in the skin without leaving greasy residue. After a few weeks using both Ole Henriksen oil and Dr.Stribor Rose&Argan cream, my skin got a bit better, even though I felt like I needed additional hydration. After a month I ran out of Ole H. oil and I bought OleoTherapy cold pressed pure rosehip oil that I used instead of serum, before Dr.Stribor cream.

Thankfully, weather soon got a bit better, and my skin calmed down so rosehip oil and Rose&Argan cream were a perfect bedtime and morning regime. I would clean my face and apply generous amount of rosehip oil that I would massage in my face, after which I would apply Rose&Argan cream. 

My skin is dryish and I would wake up in the morning without that tight skin feeling, so I would say it does a great job of nourishing my skin.

In the morning I would clean my skin with Bioderma micellar water, and apply rosehip oil, Rose&Argan cream, and generous amount of face cream with sunblock.

Final verdict:
I don't really think it is nourishing enough for the dry skin in winter, but if you have normal skin this is a great face cream.

Please beware that if you have skin that is prone to clogged pores to be careful with it, as this moisturizer  has a potential to be comedogenic.

And now onto one thing that I hate about this cream, and because of this I was hesitant to buy another jar, after I finished the first one.

Remember the black printed letters on the jar? 
If you touch the jar with oily hands (and after applying the rosehip oil as a serum, my hands would be really oily) the letters melt off and stain your fingers.

It took me a few days to realize that the jar is the culprit of my dirty fingers (please note that I would be barely awake at the evening and in the morning, when I would use this cream).

You can see here the comparison of the new and the old Dr.Stribor jar.

Even though when I realized this, I made sure that my fingers were not oily, the print was still leaving stains.

With the second, new jar I was much more careful, and even if my fingertips were oily, I managed to open the jar without touching the print. I made a gif to show you how (I know it's really a no-brainer, but I wanted to make a gif from video, and I needed an excuse).

Am I going to buy it again, once I finish off the second jar?
Probably not right now, as I have Biobaza parsley fluid and Avon moisturizer that I got at Avon Beauty blog Day 2015 event, but if it turns out they are not working for my skin, I'll definitely go back to Dr.Stribor Rose&Argan oil.

Aaaaand, I bought another jar of this creamy perfection!
Because it amazingly compliments Biobaza Parsley fluid, which I use instead of serum.
Also, Avon cream has only SPF20, and in Croatia the summer is on. I tan really fast, but I want to delay it as much as possible, so I started using Avene SPF50 fluid.
At the moment, my morning routine is Biobaza parsley fluid, Dr.Stribor Rose and Argan cream, and Avene SPF50 fluid. Once it starts getting really hot, I will probably be skipping Dr.Stribor and leave it until Autumn.  

Have you tried Dr.Stribor products?
What is your favorite skin moisturizer (and your skin type)?

P.S. - Do you like the new blog design? :)


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  1. Strasno me privlaci ova njihova linija za suhu kozu, ali onaj dio gdje si napisala da je potencijalno moze izazvati haos po faci mi se nimalo ne svidja! XD :D

    1. Meni osobno nije napravila nikakve prevelike probleme, ali osobama koje su osjetljive na ulja i sklone komedonima bi mogla raditi probleme :/

      Nema dok sama ne isprobaš, mislim da je čak i najbolja za ovo proljetno vrijeme :)

  2. I mene pati hoće li mi raditi problema budući mi je koža sklona i seb dermatitisu i komedonima i čepljenima ionako proširenih pora :(

    1. Izbacila sam neke druge proizvode koje sam koristila i nemam novih komedona. Čini se da mi je ulje ipak bilo previše, jer uz Biobaza peršin fluid, i Dr.Stribor kremu, lice mi je poprilično čisto (osim u PMSu :D )

  3. blog ti izgleda 'čišće', sviđa mi se :D
    a od dr stribora još ništa nisam probala... lažem, ipak jesam, kremu s noćurkom i hamamelisom, ali nisam je koristila na licu, ne volim tako teške kreme, za ruke mi je bila super, čak i za pete i laktove ;)

    1. Weee! :))
      Drago mi je da sam odabrala dobar template, i sama ga više volim ovako :)

      Možda bi ti ova krema odgovarala zimi, nije gusta, ima jako finu gelastu teksturu i brzo se upija :)

  4. Ako ti nije sama bila dovoljna kao dnevna krema radije ću preskočiti. Mogla bi je podebljati malo nekim serumom, ali za ulje ujutro stvarno nemam ni vremena ni živaca :) podržavam recenzije preparative, nas suhokožaca je tako malo u blogosferi, lijepo je razmijenit iskustva :)

    1. Zimi mi definitivno nije bila dovoljna sama, ali mi radi hladnoće lice dehidrira toliko da ne znam što bi ga nahranilo :/

      Uz dobar serum, mislim da bi ti bila jako dobra :)


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