Gryffindor and Fairytales

I've just got back from the movies where I saw new Harry Potter movie. I didn't expect much, but I must say I was really surprised  at how good it is. I really love it, it's true to the book, and very exciting. I decided

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Tingly lips and first snow

I was so happy today when I looked through my window, and saw it's snowing outside  I love the first snow, it's so pure, soft and white  This is the photo I snapped off my balcony. Today, I also wanted to

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Coffee, Sparkles and Times Square at Midnight

Hello, everyone! I hope you are having a very good day. My morning started something like this :  And I have a picture to prove it  This is my epic mega awesome coffee mug filled with delicious caffeine goodness (and 3dl glass of water next

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All images and content, unless stated otherwise, belong to me (Nic).
So don't be a dick and steal them.
If you do, I hope a wrath of thousands burning demon suns rain upon you.
Have a great day.
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