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---------------------------------- GIVEAWAY CLOSED Big thanks to everyone who entered! ---------------------------------- I wan...
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's my birthday, so I'm posting this photo of a very cool dog :D (I haven't forg...
I realized that I always use more or less the same few pigments, and I neglect all the beautiful eyeshadow I have in my make-up drawer, beca...
Nisam nikad dosad napisala new-in post :D Toliko se toga nakupi tijekom mjeseci da više na kraju ne znam što sam kad kupila, a i nekako ne...
Hello :) Večeras sam napravila jedan look koji mi se jaaaako sviđa :) A najviše mi se sviđa zato što je inspiriran savršenom zakon serijo...
Sniježni pozdrav svima :D Kako podnosite ove hladnoće? Meni je krasno što je snijeg, ali nadam se da neće potrajat :D U ovom postu vam do...
Hello :) Prije nego što se bacim na opisivanja ovih Ilamasqua ljepota i pokazivanja slika, zanima me jedna stvar :D Je li vam iritantn...
Hello :) Prije tri mjeseca sam s jednom grupom cura sudjelovala u mega narudžbi sa Illamasqua UK stranice i dva mjeseca i pol mjeseca kasn...
Hello :) Pretpostavljam da ste ovih dana zatrpani press objavam najnovije Illamasquine kolekcije, I'Mperfection :D S obzirom da dosad...
Up until a few weeks ago, my favorite blush in the world was Illamasqua Zygomatic , a creamy perfection of a color which complimented...
Lol@ the potty joke!
ReplyDeleteI love Bones too and your make-up does look like Dr Soroyan's. This is the look I want. Okay, so you say the eyes are boring, but that would suit me to a 'T' :-p
I agree with you, this is way too soft for me too, I use sparkly make up even as my every-day make up. But I loooove the lips! And I think that combination is fabulous!
ReplyDeleteIt's the first time I hear about Dragon Age though. Although it looks fantastic! I love dragons. :)
krasan look, okice sasvim diskretne ali sve si nadoknadila s fantastičnim ružem :-D
ReplyDeleteWell, it is true :D
I finished Dragon Age:Origins in 6 days (50 hours of gameplay), so I hope I will do the same with the sequel :)
Thank you, I wasn't sure I nailed Cam's look :)
They are a bit boring, but I'm starting to like it :)
I either use sparkly, shimmery, bright make-up or use none at all :D
But this is cool, too. I feel all grown up while I'm wearing plain make-up and watching my cartoons ;D
If you like RPGs and (although virtually) slaying dragons, you should definitely check DA:O out :)
@nail crazy
hvala, draga :)
ovo je totalno novo podrucje za mene. katastrofa je kako se mat sjenila tesko blendaju.
zato i nisam stavila close-up sa zatvorenim ocima, izgleda flekasto :facepalm: