Holiday pin-up

Black eyeliner and red lipstick are a must have for holidays. This is a look I had for Christmas day, but I think it could be perfect for a New Year's Eve party, too. :) Crni tuš za oči i crveni

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Emerald sparkle

What can go better with Ruby pumps if not CG Emerald sparkle?I love this nail polish, it's a perfect glittery green. But let's face it, every green is beautiful ;) Što može bolje ići uz Ruby pumps od CG Emerald

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Golden pumps

Hello :) After my CG Ruby pumps mani started showing slight tip wear, I decided to layer it with one coat of p2 golden crackle. I love the crackle effect of p2 crackle polish, but gold is so not my color.

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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it :) I hope you had a great day, got everything you wished for and that you are able to breathe, considering all the food that was offered today :D Sretan Božić svima koji

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Magenta LOTD

Hello, guys :) Let's pretend it's still not too late to post Halloween looks :D This one was made some time before Halloween, but I've never posted it here because I was never satisfied with photos. That was before I re-discovered

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And the winner is....

Hello, guys :) First things first: I know that you all are dying to know who the winner of my Sigma F80 giveaway is, so let's cut to the chase. 43 people entered the giveaway with 83 entries. chose the

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Holiday Etsy wishlist

Hello, guys :) Tomorrow is the first day of December, and the start of a crazy holiday shopping season :DTherefore, I introduce you to my Etsy wishlist. Some of these things have been on my wishlist for more than a year

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All images and content, unless stated otherwise, belong to me (Nic).
So don't be a dick and steal them.
If you do, I hope a wrath of thousands burning demon suns rain upon you.
Have a great day.
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