Harley: part 4

Good evening, everyone :)

It's nice to write in English, for a change :)
Tonight I was looking through my old Halloween looks, as I wasn't planning to do one for this year, and I linked them to my facebook page.
Considering my love for Harley Quinn, it comes as no surprise I did two make up looks, and one manicure in her flagship colors, black and red.
You can find the animated series Harley here, Arkham Asylum Harley here, and manicure here.
I can't really say I'm too proud with these looks, but please keep in mind that the animated series Harley was done two years ago :D

Pošto nisam imala namjeru ove godine radit look za Noć vještica, prolazila sam kroz svoje stare postove i linkala ih na facebook stranicu bloga.
Ako uzmete u obzir koliko volim Harley Quinn, nije čudno da sam napravila dva make up looka i manikuru posvećenu njoj.
Harley iz Batman animirane serije možete naći ovdje, Arkham Asylum Harley ovdje, a manikuru ovdje.

Nisam baš nešto prezadovoljna tim lookovima, ali uzmite u obzir da animirana Harley potječe iz 2011te :D

If you are interested in Halloween looks, and love Doctor Who, prepare not to blink and go here, for some Weeping Angel action :D

Ako vas zanimaju lookovi za Noć vještica, a volite seriju Doctor Who, onda je ovaj post za vas :)

Now I'm done with attention whoring my old posts, I'm going to show you the latest eotd.
This one was not supposed to be a Halloween look, I just wanted to do a quick and simple look for the post about Inglot red gel liner...well, look how that turned out :D

Sad kad sam gotova s atenšn whoranjem svojih starih postova, pokazat ću vam zadnji uradak.
Ovaj nije trebao biti Halloween look, već očna šminka koja je trebala biti dio posta o Inglot crvenom gel lineru...nije mi uspjelo :D

I used:

  • MAC paint pot in Painterly
  • black eyeshadow - Black; Lorac pro palette
  • red eyeshadow - Love+; Sugarpill Burning heart palette
  • Catrice Black Jack with Jack Black gel eyeliner
  • Inglot AMC eyeliner gel matte #79
  • essence I love extreme mascara
  • Eveline Celebrities liquid eyeliner
  • Catrice Starlight Expresso eyeshadow for the eyebrows

I'm not as happy with this one as I thought I would be, because when I took macro photos of my eye, I saw that the lines are not as precise as I've previously thought.
Well, I guess it's not very wise to attempt this kind of make up not very well rested, and with an eye that just won't stop twitching :/
Nevermind, practice makes perfect :)
I can't wait for the next time I get to play with these eyeliners :)

Nisam baš prezadovoljna rezultatom jer kad sam slikala oko uz macro opciju, pokazalo se da mi linije nisu toliko precizne kako je izgledalo u ogledalu :/
Vjerujem da nije baš najpametnije radit ovakve lookove kad sam jako umorna i kad mi oko koje šminkam stalno trza :D
Nema veze, vježbom do savršenstva :)
Jedva čekam slijedeći put kad ću se šminkat, zabavno se igrat tuševima za oči :)

And the last one, this is what you get when you are a pro at retouching photos aka moving sliders left and right without really knowing how it will turn out :D

Za kraj, ovo dobijete kad ste totalni profesionalac u retuširanju slika, tj. kad samo klikate mišem bez veze po programu za obradu slika, bez da znate što koji parametar radi :D

It's so cheesy, but it looks cool, so I decided to upload it here :D

That's it for tonight, I'm off to wash this thing off my eye (yup, I did only one eye), and go to sleep, I think my Red Bull is wearing off...

Totalno je glupo, ali izgleda cool pa sam ipak uploadala sliku :D
To je sve za večeras, idem ovo oprat s oka i u krevet.

Sweet dreams :*

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  1. Fora je look skroz. Sviđa mi se boja crvenog sjenila, baš je intenzivna. I obrve su ti super. :D


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