Blue and Red

A week or so ago I was browsing through Emma Pickles' YouTube feed and I loved this purple eyeliner look. Some time after, I wanted to play with make-up but, since I was obsessed with blue eyeliner, wanted to do a something more navyish.

And this is how this look came to be. I'm not happy with it, the black eyeliner line is not really good and it would've looked better if it was thicker, but there's nothing I can do about it now.

I should really come up with a new photo-shoot face expression...I look silly to myself, but when I try to make a kind face with a hint of smile, it ends up being a Blue Steel. So I guess we are all stuck with a bitchyface Nic (like that is something different than IRL).

Prije nekih tjedan dana gledala sam videe Emme Pickles i ovaj look s ljubičastim eyelinerom mi se jako svidio. Malo iza, igrala sam se šminkom, ali pošto sam bila opsjednuta plavim eyelinerom, htjela sam napraviti nešto modro.

Tako je nastao ovaj look. Nisam baš sretna, trebala sam napravit bolju i deblju crtu tušem, ali što je-tu je.

Trebala bih stvarno nekako naučit radit novi izraz lica kad se slikavam. Sama sebi izgledam smiješno, ali kad pokušam napravit neki blago nasmiješeni izraz lica, na slikama ispadne kao da pokušavam rekreirat Blue Steel. Na kraju mi ipak ne preostaje ništa drugo nego bitchyface Nic (ne bi da se to puno razlikuje od mog izraza lica uživo).

Things I used:

Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation #52
Catrice Starlight expresso
Lorac eyeshadow base
Catrice Black Jack with Jack Black gel eyeliner
120 eyeshadow palette
essence Braking dawn blusher
L'Oreal Miss Manga mascara
Rimmel Apocalips Big Bang

Nude lips, weird smirk

With MAC Ruby Woo

MAC Ruby Woo and Rimmel Big bang

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1 comment:

  1. Jednostavan, a moćan izgled!
    Čak mi se više sviđa s nude usnama jer oke više dođu do izražaja :)


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