Daytime Devil

Hi, guys :)

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, but I've got a job :yaaaay:
As it's a desk job with a lot of meetings, I'm keeping my make-up as plain as possible. I only use mascara, concealer and blush, so I have nothing to post :(

I plan to do a lot of makeuping over the weekend, and I'll try to do scheduled posts so you'll have a reason to stop by :D

Here's a one of my looks I did a few weeks ago, but never posted.

I used Sugarpill's Love+ as a liner in this otherwise nude look :)

I hope you like it :)

As soon as I stop being a FNG at work, I plan to do more colorful looks, but for now I'm laying low :D

Thank you for stopping by,

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  1. how did you get the love+ to work as an eyeliner?

  2. Biba, hvala :hug:

    Desireee, I used Inglot Duraline :)
    Sorry, I forgot to put it in my post:/
    I'll edit it later with a complete product list :)

  3. bravo, čestitke na poslu :-D
    opak make up ;-D

  4. p.s.
    sretna godišnjica i tebi :-D


All images and content, unless stated otherwise, belong to me (Nic).
So don't be a dick and steal them.
If you do, I hope a wrath of thousands burning demon suns rain upon you.
Have a great day.
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