Run Forest Run!

I will keep this one short, since I'm tired and as soon as I post this, I'll go to bed and watch some Stargate: SG-1 on my iPod :)

As you can see, I adore purple and green, and this one is by far my favorite green nail polish.

Here I managed to catch two fingers in shade and two in the sun.

How do you like it?
I believe there is never enough purple and green nail polish one can have in stash :D

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  1. Ja nemam nijedan zeleni lak, al se nadam da ce Forest uskoro bit moj :) Bas je lijep :)

  2. fenomenalan je, znam koliko si ga gonjala i baš mi je drago da si ga se dočepala :-D

  3. hvala vam cure :*

    prekrasan je i sad kad je bio popust na Catrice, nisam imala izgovor za jos jednu zelenu nijansu :D


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So don't be a dick and steal them.
If you do, I hope a wrath of thousands burning demon suns rain upon you.
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